
These instructions assume all tools mentioned in the Setup section have been installed.

Kotlin Modules

Run all Kotlin module tests by executing the following command from within the root directory:

$ ./gradlew test

Run one Kotlin module’s tests by specifying the module name. For example:

$ ./gradlew acme-web:acme-web-api:test

Run a subset of a module’s tests by specifying a package or class name. For example:

$ ./gradlew acme-web:acme-web-test:test --tests 'com.acme.web.test.*'
$ ./gradlew acme-web:acme-web-test:test --tests com.acme.web.test.scheduling.api.SchedulingClientCollectionApiSpec

Run Locally

If desired, the system can be run locally on a local Kubernetes cluster. Run the following command from the root of the project:

$ task run

This will start a long-running process that will redeploy services when code is changed. Press Ctrl+C to terminate the process.

If you’d rather avoid running terraform and the like before running locally, invoke skaffold manually:

$ skaffold dev